Paediatric care presents several challenges. The young patient may need help coping with what could be severe levels of pain and discomfort. They may have questions about their situation that generate complicated or nuanced answers that need to be presented in a child-friendly way. At the same time, anxious parents face significant emotional stresses. The trauma of watching a child navigating a difficult situation can be compounded by worries about future uncertainties.
With young patients, even relatively simple procedures can cause major challenges. Drawing blood from children is often an upsetting experience. It involves the family taking time out of their day to travel to a healthcare setting. When blood is then sent for lab analysis, a further healthcare visit may be needed to discuss the results of any tests. And, if any problems arise with the original blood sample before it reaches the lab, the whole process may need to begin again.
However, much of this could be resolved with just a few simple changes – including the widespread adoption of point of care testing (POCT) in paediatric settings. Remarkable state-of-the-art analysers such as the PixCell HemoScreen, for example, minimise the blood collection sample needed from children to a simple finger prick. From there, results accessible in just minutes can be used by medical professionals to assess and determine appropriate next steps in the patient’s journey. This quickly alleviates unnecessary travel, time delays, and anxiety.
At Woodley Trial Solutions, we regularly advocate for the increased use of POCT in paediatric studies. We consistently see four key benefits of this approach:
• Greater patient centricity, with the child’s experience put front and centre in any testing and treatment plans.
• Accelerated care timeframes, with quicker access available to both test results and decisions on the most appropriate course of treatment.
• Reduced screen failure rates, with samples no longer needing to be safely stored and transported to an off-site laboratory.
• Lowered costs, with spending on couriers eliminated.
For paediatric clinical trials, POCT has the added advantage of being able to be used either within a healthcare setting, or during a home visit conducted by a healthcare professional. This maximises the potential of developing a diagnostic and treatment experience built around patient centricity.
POCT, however, is not here to replace traditional lab work. Instead, it is often at its best when deployed as part of a complementary approach. By reducing the burden on labs, POCT enables lab practitioners and the labs themselves to become more focused and efficient in the crucial work they do. It also helps to eradicate the need for repeat visits from nurses or other health practitioners, thereby enabling the redirection of valuable resources to other patients in need.
For CROs and trial organizers, this time saving can have a material impact on trial completion dates. It has also been shown to positively impact patient participation and retention, as well as drive down expenditure.
Our specialist POCT department has many years’ experience of advising and collaborating with CROs and other trial organizers. With in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of blood and gas analysis devices, we are well equipped to provide comprehensive support. A long track-record of investing in our global logistics capabilities, including our warehousing network and our Importer of Record service, means we’re also able to supply hard-to-reach locations around the world, making patient screening easier across almost all study types.
If you’re interested in learning more of how we may be able to help you improve and accelerate your next paediatric clinical trial, please contact us today.
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